Refund is only available on Paid Memberships. Click here to Check the available Memberships.

Refund is not available on the following:

  1. Top Listing
  2. Featured Listing
  3. Bump-up Listing
  4. Banner Ads


You can cancel your order within 24 Hours from the payment date if you feel not satisfy with the working of the website or products listing system. During this period if you Posted any Product then it will be removed right after your order cancellation. Click here to Apply a Refund.

10% of the total payment will be deducted as Payment Gateway Fees/ or Bank fees and other handling charges.

90% of your paid amount will be refunded within 15 days from the date of cancellation of your order.

We recommend you to read all the Terms & Conditions, as well as Banned Products/ Items List before purchasing Memberships


Example: if you paid Rs.100 then the refund amount would be Rs.90 after deduction of (10% handling charges as mentioned above).

Important Note: Refund will be made only through “Bank Transfer” or “Cheque” for Indian Members and “Paypal” For International Members.

Further if you have any questions you can contact our support team. Click here to contact us.